Telemetry system not connecting


I am using the following 433 MHz antenna set (check image) for my quadcopter, for the last 6 months now.

However, it has now stopped working. The green light keeps on blinking

Maybe I have upgraded the ground module from Sik radio by mistake. But I am not able to upgrade the air module as it does not support a micro usb connection like a Sik Telemetry radios.

Can anyone please help me out?



You can use a standard FTDI module to flash the unit.
Or any other device that can read from USB to serial ,like an Arduino.

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That was much helpful @ppoirier.
Thanks a lot.

I am still facing some issues with it.
In the Ground module - it is rfd Sik 2.0 on hm_trp whereas it is rfd sik 1.9 hm_trp in the air module. After correcting other parameter settings, I tried to connect both the modules. Both are now showing solid green led. However, they are not connecting through mission planner.

If it is necessary to have the same firmware on both the modules, please share the link for downloading the firmware.
(I have tried multiple baud rates too.) Check image for Ground and air module.

Thank you

Make sure you have same parameters on both unit as I see on radio set to MavLink transport and the other is raw data

Check your FC serial speed must be set to 57600 as well

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Ok, Thanks. I will check and update.

You should have the same version of firmware on both radio’s.

I have checked and done the settings. It is working fine now.

Thanks for that FTDI module information.

Thanks a lot.

Hi I am having the same issue that you were. I ordered the FTDI module and it should arrive tomorrow. Were there any particular steps that you took to make sure it was updated or on the same firmware?

Hi I am having the same issue too.I have the same settings and firmware on both module.But they are not linking to each other.I am using sik radio telemetry v2.can someone please help?module 1
module 2

Click below:

Hello @ppoirier ,
I think even I am facing exactly the same issue.(I might have accidentally updated the ground module and not the air module.
I was able to connect once with my telemetry , then I took a screenshot.

now , it looks something like this :point_down:

based on my understanding of the discussion, because both my units(ground and air) have 2 different versions , I am unable to connect. So I downloaded SiK 1.9 on HM-TRP and installed it in the ground module using upload firmware option , and now I get this :point_down:

If I try to connect , it says no heartbeat found

The ground module LED is blinking green , where as the air module has green LED blinking along with RED led blinking twice.

the telemetry I am using 3DR Single TTL MINI Radio Telemetry 433MHz 500mW for PIXHAWK and APM FC
Can someone please help me out?
@ppoirier @Harish_Patel

also @ppoirier or @Harish_Patel could someone please tell me how
the flashing was done , I have Arduino UNO , I might be able to get myself NodeMCU or raspberry pi too ,if needed.


It is explained in the wiki

And more specifically how to force bootloader mode and flash the Air Unit using FTDI

Thank you so much , I’ll try that and let you know what happened


Does this mean , my air module is transmitting while searching for another radio ?

Also I don’t have a FTDI-to-USB cable mentioned in the wiki , is there any other alternative to it (like using Arduino, NodeMCU or raspberry pi or something else) that would be very much helpful.

The Radio Unit is probably transmitting data but the frames are not compatible because of Firmware discrepancy

FTDI is a cheap MUST HAVE tool

Can I proceed with that or Could you suggest me one ?

Does the below one work too ?


I will definitely purchase it , and while it arrives (approximately in a week) If I need to get it done urgently , are there any other alternatives ?

Any microcontroller that has more than one physical port like an Arduino Méga… for the rest, google is your friend :wink: