Telemetry radio (MicroHard) is only connecting after preflight reboot shutdown?

when you power on the system, what order do devices start?
im wondering if the microhard starts late, and is causing the issue.

It would not let me post anymore posts as it’s the first day as a member, I also could not message you Michael, apologies.

The Microhard does power up the same time as the autopilot, but a link between the two radios typically take 10-20 seconds to connect, this could be the issue ?

Is there no timeout on MP/Arduplane we can change to keep this ‘open’ longer and let it look for a link until it finds one ?

given the wireshark logs you sent. i dont see any reason why its not working as it should.

one thing i would try is to disable RTS/CTS on the flightcontroller. as it could be the reboot is resetting these serial lines.

info is here

What about Telem Delay
a value of 2 seconds might be enough, maybe need to experiment with more

could i get you to try the latest MP. Ive changed the RTS option. but im not sure if it will change anything.

Sure, latest here ?

no, will need to be the Beta

help > update beta

Hi, i am facing similar issue interfacing microhard and px4 cube only difference is no amounts of restart help my case. Radios are connected and i can send and receive through putty terminal fine. But missionplanner and q groundcontrol both fail to connect to vehicle. can i telly the connections i am using from telem1 port to microhard serial,
telem1 pin 6 to microhard pin 5 (gnd)
pin 2 to pin 3
pin 3 to pin 2
pin 4 to pin 7
pin 5 to pin 8
pin 1 of telem 1 not used

Am i wiring this wrong ? should it be pin 2to2, 3to3, 6to5, 4to8 and 5to7 ? all pin pairs are mentioned with telem 1 pin mapped to microhard n920 serial port.

Hi Tommy.
Are you using an RS232/TTL level converter between then Microhard and the Pixhawk? The Microhard uses full 13v RS232 so you need to step this down to TTL (3v3) levels using a converter like this

Hi, thank you for your reply, i have the microhard n920x2 so when i get this RS232 to TTL converter what should i use as the VCC can i use the 5v coming off from pin 1 of telem 1 port ? or do i need to give is 3.3v

Hi, correct, the 5v out of telem 1 powers the converter. Also make sure that in the Microhard serial setting, you have the IPs of the corresponding modem, and the port matches. Also check that the baud rate matches the bad of serial 1 on your pixhawk. 57600 is the Pixhawk telemetry default. If you are using the serial output on the ground side modem (Instaed of UDP or TCP) you will also need the same converter wired to and FDTI, that way you can connect to the COM created by the FTDI chip.

However Ive looked at the specifications for the N920x2 and it seems it is TTL level, so you should not have any issues with standard Rx - Tx wiring without the converter.

Hi Dan, did you managed to connect between cube and MP via microhard?

I trying to connect n920 to pixhawk.maybe you can give me tips or help to understand what i’m doing wrong?any help will be appreciated.

@Michael_Oborne Did you ever nail this fully? I can help on finding issues. TCP is working ok with Microhard+MP, UDP seem to have issues with MP. When using QGC and UDP, connection is fine.

make sure you are on the latest MP, there was a unaligned udp packet issue on older versions

fix was back here