I have just built a quadcopter and I have some weird stuff going on with my telemetry.
I was flying and without any aggressive movements and after a couple of minutes I lost my telemetry signal completely (signal did not even come back after I flew closer to rx, like a couple of meters).
What could be causing this kind of problem? I have turned on APM for like 20minutes just to check if telemetry is not randomly dying - it did not die.
I am using 433mhz for telemetry, 5.8ghz for video, 2.4ghz for radio.
so after tweaking the parameters I did a test flight and I lost my telemetry again (this time at something like 99% signal) and it did not come back until I restarted the APM.
Is this a firmware (v1.7) bug?
When I lost the signal I had solid green on UAV unit and blinking green and red on ground station.
If one modem has solid green LED and other has blinking green LED - the one with solid is the real problem.
Try to upgrade FW to both units, but I suspect that air modem is damaged…
I have updated the firmware to sik 1.9 (on both units) and I did a test flight - connection did not drop any more. I hope it will stay this way but for now - we can mark it as solved.
I have a [color=#FF0000]same[/color] problem. After update firmware on ground module from 1.7 to 1.9 I have a problem with identification via Mission Planner. I have a same settings (default) on air and ground modules. I try reflash by FTDI to 1.7 firmware, but helpless.
What problem?
Why you’re spamming across different threads?
First: change NET ID to something different than default.
2nd: decrease # of channels to 20-30
3rd: show your cabling (detailed photo) on air side.