I want help for make radio telemetry for my pixhawk plane , i have two sx1278 , 433mhz modules whitch have 1000mw output power , and ttl to serial usb
But i dont know how i should connect them to pixhawk and pc to make wireless connection between them for my arduplane
I have a pair of these but i havent gotten around to testing them, i belive it needs to be set to a bidirectional transparent serial mode to work with mavlink.
As far as i know you can just 115200 serial to them and they will send and receiver data but the air link is much slower than 115200 so it will drop a lot of data if you send anything too fast , I never tested it with mavlink.
I doubt it will work as there is no flow control to regulate the packets. some will get through so it will connect and you could monitor the machine but there will be so much packet loss that most things wont work. so you couldnt change parameters and most commands wont work it would be read only essentially.