feeding from Arducopter to FrSky receiverX8R via S-port,
it is working proper just in disARM mode, in ARM mode is on OpenTX screen just Flight mode variable update, other variables are stuck.
feeding to Mini OSD 2.4 from Arducopter
there is updated just Flight flight mode variable, other variables are zero (elevation angle etc.)
same problem as here: MinimOSD "no gps fix, low rssi, battery low" data all zeroes - #2 by acoolguy , unfortunately not solved.
I can se Mavlink message period 1Hz on the scope, but SR3_EXTRA2 is set to 5 Hz.
My setup:
Arducopter Orange Cube+ H7 to FrSky receiverX8R via S-port, Arducopter 4.2.3
Taranis X7, OpenTX 2.3.15
serial 0 = USB, works FINE
serial 1 = telemetry RFD868, Telem port 1
57 kbaud, Mavlink 2 protocol, - works FINE
serial 2 = telemetry Frsky Sport, Telem port 2
57 kbaud, half duplex, invert RX/TX, ( hardware´resistor pulldown approx 10k ohm), FrSky S port protocol
serial 3 = OSD (GPS port), GPS port 1
57 kbaud, (swap TX/RX because to work, I connect it wrong and repair it by this settings), protocol Mavlink 1
I connect the OSD module to UART4 = GPS 2 serial output, and it works well now.
On UART3 was just heartbeat present, despite the proper settings of message type and their period.
I don’t know where problem was, but it is solved now.