TCP is not connecting. SITL connecting error

Setting SIM_SPEEDUP=1.000000
Home: 40.229932 29.009526 alt=97.620000m hdg=0.000000
Starting sketch ‘ArduPlane’
Starting SITL input
Using Irlock at port : 9005
bind port 5760 for 0
Serial port 0 on TCP port 5760
Loaded defaults from C:\Users\EREN\Documents\Mission Planner\sitl\default_params/plane.parm
bind port 5762 for 2
Serial port 2 on TCP port 5762
bind port 5763 for 3
Serial port 3 on TCP port 5763
MKFIFO failed with No such file or directory
MKFIFO failed with No such file or directory
Smoothing reset at 0.001
validate_structures:476: Validating structures
Loaded defaults from C:\Users\EREN\Documents\Mission Planner\sitl\default_params/plane.parm
PANIC: Should never be written to
Running: sh 5832 >dumpstack.sh_ArduPlane.5832.out 2>&1
Running: sh 5832 >dumpcore.sh_ArduPlane.5832.out 2>&1

TCP5760-1-plane was working before, but it doesn’t work since I changed the parameters.
rover,Multirotor and helicopter are connecting but plane is not connecting. How can I restore the parameters.

ya anasını varya bir söverdim şimdi burda da neyse. Çözdüm sorunu sorun mission planner\sitl\plane dosyasındaki bir sorundan falan kaynaklanıyo heralde o dosyayı silerseniz sorun çözülüyor zaten dosyayı simülasyon başlatınca geri yüklüyor sıfırdan.

Problem solved.The problem is probably caused by something in the mission planner\sitl\plane file.
so You should delete the file.And start the simulation. the application restores the file

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Peki daha sonra istediğiniz parametreleri nasıl yüklediniz? Hangi parametreden dolayı hata veriyormuş?