I am new to QGround Control and am currently trying to configure my rover for a skid/ tank steering configuration. I have a rover with dual tracks. I individual motors controlling the left and right tracks. I am currently using a FS-i6 Fly Sky RC Controller. I am using a Pixhawk 4 flight controller with Ardupilot firmware. I have currently downloaded the firmware onto the flight controller and have selected the rover airframe. I am getting control through the RC controller in manual mode, but the remote controls do not steer the rover as a skid steer. I cannot find any resources on what parameters to change to allow this configuration. Does anyone on this forum, know what parameters that i can change to allow for the skid/tank steering configuration? Any input or help would be greatly appreciated.
You would be better off using Mission Planner to configure and tune the vehicle. You can use QGC as Ground Station after that if you like.
Plenty of resources available, this one is related to your question:
Motor and Servo Configuration
Tank Steer is typically not the best way to control a skid steer vehicle.
Steering input type
Read the 1st note.
Thanks for the input Dave, much appreciated. I have already downloaded the Ardupilot firmware in QGround Control, if I configure the steering in Mission Planner, will I need to erase and download the Ardupilot firmware in MissionPlanner? I am just curious how you can configure it one ground control station and have it transferred to another ground control station.
It doesn’t work like that. They are both Ground Control Applications both capable of flashing Ardupilot firmware. But Mission Planner is a better native application for Ardupilot. You would have a hard time configuring and tuning the vehicle using QGC mainly because the documentation you will be living with while you tune the vehicle references Mission Planner.
You should start here: