Hi Friends i have a great problem for my new model in conf. tailsitter.
problem is the stop of pwm exit for motor after conversion in Q flight mode
my configurations is:
Matek 405-wing ( but problem is same whit minipix Holybro and Omnibus)
Firmware the lastest at today 14/4/2019
my configurations start in this mode:
1:First flash firmware arduplane
2:make arhs orietation of board whit 6 (turn 270°)
3:Make a radio travel configurations
4: Make orientation setup and level
6:remove proprs
7:add at servo configuration left and right motor at servo 1 and servo 2 and elevon servo for make a plane conf. complete.
7:Make arming active for setup travel to esc.
8:Reboot and make a esc setup max to min…
at this time in manual mode the plane works good and trottle works well.
9: active Q mode
10: Reboot
11: active tailsitter conf and x configuration
12: reboot
13: make flight mode :manual, Qstabilize Q loiter for plane Stabilize.FBWA RTH
now try model whit out prop and the problem is:
after transition from manual to Q mode the trottel don’t work…only work in manual and in plane configuration,
if my plane is level when i make a Qmode the trottle increase and the flapperon move up but after 2 seconds motor pwm stop and brake…
add my param list is fome people can help me…
thx for attentiontailsitter malpo.param (22.2 KB)