This is a very stable flying twin-motor fixed-wing aircraft. It has a very traditional aerodynamic layout. Then I turned on the Tailsitter function in the flight control, allowing him to take off and land in a very small space (of course, it is not windproof)
Please watch the video
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Nicely done. What airframe is this? Do you mind sharing the setup and pixhawk configuration?
In China, we call it the Great White Shark. I don’t know if there is such a model outside China. It is a very stable aircraft.
20220115-大白鲨垂起.param (22.4 KB)
Found this plane on Aliexpress
May I know what is your motor and prop combination? might want to try this plane as well. thank you
7 inch propeller
In fact, I just used the power provided by the official. Not particularly improved.