T3V3 gimbal control using pymavlink : how to send a gimbal_device_set_attitude message?

Hello everyone,

I am trying to write a Python script on my Jetson Xavier NX to control. The T3V3 gimbal (with latest firmware 7.7.8 beta) is connected to the PC via UART.
I previously managed to control the gimbal using pymavlink and MAVLINK v1, thanks to the “pygimbal” library on Github.
But the T3V3 has a behaviour that makes me think that all the command I send are not taken into account.
Thus I want to try and control the gimbal with MAVLINK V2. But I am a bit confused on how to send “gimbal_device_set_attitude” messages with pymavlink.

I use mav.gimbal_device_set_attitude_encode() to create the message, then I pack() it and write it on the mavlink connection’s port.

But the gimbal shows no reaction. I know the connexion is correct since I correctly receive the gimbal’s telemetries.

Could somebody help me on sending such message ? I tried to get inspiration from Gremsy’s gSDK, but it is a bit hard for me to translate from c++ to python.

Thanks :slight_smile:
