T1 Ranger VTOL/ ELRS Help

So, I’m working on converting my T1 Ranger to VTOL, and I’m having a little bit of wierdness. As far as I can tell the build is going just fine, I have everything moving the way it’s suposed to, and I’m about to make the linkages to move the tilt servos. So far everything is going the way it is supossed to.

Except for the message I get saying “Pre-Arm : Param storage failure.” I’ve hadd to recalibrate my accel 3 or 4 times this morning. I’m not sure if the two are related. That, and my ELRS setup might be a little wrong. I get like a full second of delay between when I push a stick and when anything moves. I’m brand new to ELRS, so I’m almost certain I just have something set incorrecly, I just don’t know what.

Additionally, if anyone has any tips for converting this plane I’m all ears. Eyes? Idk, I’ll just take the advice.


MATEK Airspeed sensor
2205 - 2300KV motors
35 Amp ESC

MATEK R-2400-D Rx
AION Nano 2400 Tx
Taranis X9 Lite