T-Motor MN2806 KV650 with Arducopter 4.2.x

Dont change thrust expo until after you’ve turned off Low RPM Power Protect and got some relatively normal flight going on.

Download and install the BLHeliSuite32 and it should be able to connect to the ESCs using flight controller pass-through

There’s a whole section on this stuff at

Indoor flying before doing suntanning

How do I get the connection to serial 2 or telemetry 2? Is there such signal in Hobbywing Digital ESC?

  1. Low RPM Power Protection: Power limiting for low RPMs can be enabled or disabled. Disabling it can be necessary in order to achieve full power on some low KV motors running on a low supply voltage. However, disabling it increases the risk of sync loss, with the possibility of toasting motor or ESC.

Well that sucks, no telemetry output on these ESCs according to the manual

You will need to disable Low RPM Power Protect regardless of the dire warnings or the ESC will never operate with anything but quad-racer style high kv motors. Doing this is very common, and in fact required for all but small racing style quads.

Instead use these HNTOCH settings for now, and they can be adjusted after test flights
INS_HNTCH_ENABLE,1 ← set this then refresh params to see the rest

Cube Orange right?
You should be able to use the bidirection DShot firmware and get the ESC RPM data.
No other changes would be required, except we can simplify some of the HNOTCH settings and tesing to:
INS_HNTCH_ENABLE,1 ← set this then refresh params to see the rest
(as I listed earlier)
Also keep
So we can check pre-filter data
then later you can set
to see post-filter data

Yes, I am using Cube Orange. Sorry, this morning I was busy in a meeting.

safety switch ensures it is pushed
done. turned off Low RPM Power Protect

done for 11x4.5x2 log, indoor
INS_LOG_BAT_OPT, 0 and the rest of INS_HNTCH_xx settings.
disable Low RPM Power Protect
MOT_THST_EXPO = 0.66 (initial parameters)
MOT_THST_HOVER = 0.25 (start)
MOT_THST_HOVER = 0.3494199 (learn)

INS_LOG_BAT_OPT, 2 flight log also done.

logs for 11x7x3, indoor

ignore the INS_LOG_BAT_OPT values as I changed first then reboot and prepare for the next flight. go by filename is correct.

You will need these unless you changed to the bi-directional DShot firmware

For some reason the FFT graphs dont show any data for those flights
until this is all nailed down a bit more

Noted, will repeat the flights and also include 11x10x3

do you mean this? I think FFT_ENABLE is = 0, I have enabled it now for next flight test.

The FFT_ENABLE parameter is for the flight controller to run the FFT analysis live and use that for a souce of HNOTCH filtering.
I couldnt get MissionPlanner to display any of the INS_LOG_BAT data as it normally does, where MissionPlanner runs the FFT analysis post-fight.

okay, I put it back to 0 then.

Hmm, interesting. I have put in all values already.

log for 11x7x3, uploaded into same folder
log for 11x4.5x2, uploaded into same folder
log for 11x10x3, uploaded into same folder

Does anyone know why my autotune failed to tune? Is it due to HNTCH being enabled?
Prompting the pilot to tune manually.

Because the basic/initial tune is poor.

Not sure is it due to 4.1.x and and above issue. Previously other drones were done using 4.0.x

All along the craft we build with Cube series do not use vibration damping mount.

I think I will try reduce the aggressive to see any good surprise. This is the first time I tune a drone using a low KV motors.

You will most likely be surprised with an even worse tune by lowering aggression.

I don’t quite get it, it started when I lowered the default PID by 50%. Then it stopped and started to prompt the pilot to manual tune. No different if I turn off the INS_HNTCH_ENABLE.

The default initial parameters and lowered values are both flyable and only noticeable a slight height drop when pitch and roll. No oscillation so call.

4.2.3 firmware.

I am now suspecting MOT_THST_EXPO with the digital ESC and the motor. Many T-Motor users pointed out very linear motor curves.

after changing thst_expo from 0.66 to 0.99, I got a recommended thst_hover value of 0.2503457. I hope the autotune starts and works next, finger-cross.

No, not the problem of the thst_expo. Not due to the initial tune not being properly done too. With the default PID parameters, it hovers like a charm without position lock and without pilot sticks input except drops high when pitching and rolling. I am doing in indoor with no wind condition.

I also tried reducing pitch and roll PID by 50%, but it did not start to tune also (engaged but didn’t start).

I run out of ideas about where the settings are wrong. This is not the first drone I do and had attempted autotune successfully before with the 4.0.x version.

autotune failed 2nd time, 4.2.3

Have you got a link to the actual .bin log file?

done, uploaded.