Switching from Ardupilot to PX4

Currently looking to switch between Arduipilot to PX4, but I do not want to lose what I have done in ardupilot. Is it as simple as switching the SD card and flashing the PX4 firmware to the pixhawk? Will this keep all of the ardupilot firmware on the original SD card or is that not how that works?

that isn’t how it works. Firmware isn’t on sd card but on your card flash memory. So flashing another software will erase everything.
The sd card will only hold the dataflash logs from previous flights, until something format it.

Before trying PX4, you can use a GCS to save the full parameters table on your computer. That will allow you to get back on what you had with ArduPilot by reflashing ArduPilot on your board.

You save the configuration in the form of a file on your computer before flashing px4, and load the file to the flight controller when you need it.

Will repeatedly switching from PX4 to Ardupilot and visa versa hurt the pixhawk in any way?

No, it will not hurt the board. The boards are rated for over 10000 reflash cycles.

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