Hi all i have a question please.
im using the APM 2.6 with the 3.1.3 ver .
My problem is when switching from ALT mode to Stab the motors spin faster and i loose control of copter. Its like it uses other commands. it will either pull up fast or flip. Is their some kind of Param settings to make it dead steady when switching modes? has any one have this problem ?
Providing tlogs and/or data flash logs will help to troubleshoot your issue.
Providing tlogs and/or data flash logs will help to troubleshoot your issue.
TCIII GM[/quote]
I accidentally erased logs , but if you are wondering if this is a vibration problem , i can assure you its not.
Is their any way to change that 40% to 60% throttle range? When switched to ALT hold it starts bouncing a little and after switching back to stab it will climb fast.