SWIR and thermal camera help ICI Cameras

We purchased these cameras from ICI Camera Company. One of the cameras is the SWIR 640 P-Series and the other is the 8640 P-Series Radiometric Thermal, it was hooked up to a DJI A3 with a lightbridge video controller but it was a very clunky system and had a lot of issues. These two cameras were hooked via USB to a hummingboard controller. I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to trigger these cameras from a pixhawk controller, what information from the manufacturer would I need to accomplish this. We have tried digging into the sensor control module but it is not like what I am use to and above me. I have seen on their web page that they have drivers and SDK available but have yet to get any of that. Does anyone else have any experience with these cameras? The main reason behind them was for wildfire related research. And considering the system they were on and its issues we are trying to salvage them for use else where. How hard would it be to setup a custom gstreamer feed?

It seems as though the 8640 P-Series Radiometric Thermal has a built in shutter would it be as simple as creating a cable that goes from the pixhawk to the camera usb and setting the correct relay pin? The datasheet for these cameras are lacking much substance, so its hard to tell.

Hi Matt

Came across this post whilst looking into getting a similar system (i.e. ICI, thermal camera and sensor control module and A3 flight controller). Given I don’t have a similar system (yet) I can’t help you with any specifics. But I have been in contact with the people at ICI quite a lot (e.g. Gary Strahan) and they do seem quite helpful so I would suggest you get hold of them if you haven’t already. If I do get a similar system then I will also be keen on getting the SDK and we could potentially collaborate there and help eachother out in general.

I am slightly concerned by your issues and your thoughts on it being a clunky system. Could you expand on that? Again, I think Gary and the ICI team are quite helpful and should be able to assist.
