Swarm Simulation Not Working

It seems the latest version of MP the Swarm Simulation is not working. I can get a single aircraft to work for the simulation, but the Swarm function seems to not work. Is anyone else seeing the same thing?

I’ve made an update of MP to the latest BETA version a few days ago and tested it right now. It’s working.
I had the same problem few month ago with an older version of MP and after an update to latest BETA it was OK. Try updating first.

Yepp, it was fixed 5 days ago.


Actually, I have been trying to operate swarm multilink or single-link, and it wasn’t operating the swarm or start a mission, what happened is the following,

  • mission planner was opening 3 terminals (3 planes) at once, and closing them instantly.
  • then it took me to Data window but nothing happened (no mission or any indication of TCP connectivity)
    Edit: the versions I tried were 1.3.80 and 1.3.81

Yes it works
It works if you run 1.3.82!