Swarm sim statement problem

Following the swarm sim statement found in the Copter docs -

sim_vehicle.py -v Copter --map --console --count 5 --auto-sysid --location CMAC --auto-offset-line 90,10

There is an error -

no such option: --auto-sysid
Perhaps you want --sim_vehicle_sh_compatible (-C)?

Are the docs outdated?

Never tried those parameters, I just use 5 different cmd prompts and change the -I param, so the first is sim_vehicle.py -v Copter -I 1 and the second “sim_vehicle.py -v Copter -I 2” and so on then I use the swarm module of mission planner to put them where I want.

Probably a better way to do this but it works :wink:

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What version are you using ? it is working fine on master branch, and on copter >= 4.2.0

It was an older version. It works fine now on 4.3.6.