Survey Grid - Negative Overshoot (Undershoot)

Hi there,
I use Survey Grid quite a lot to fly areas with a drone. In most cases I need to stay away from the polygon lines / stay inside the area drawn as a polyon.

Is there any way to use a negative value for the overshoot command like -10m ?
Something like “undershoot”…

At the moment I have two options: Make the poligon smaller or create the waypoints and move each of them manually some meters inside the polygon. Both is a bit boring to do and take a look of time.

Thank you for any tipps about this.
Bye Manuk

The short answer is no. the polygon is there to define the are to be surveyed. You have to prepare your area before executing grid for planning. (for example using a GIS software to create an appropriate SHP file which can be imported.)

Thanks you. Not why expected to hear… :wink:
I do not create the poly files and I hoped to find a solution without editing them manually.