SUP with electronic stearing


I took quite a few hours to read the forum, I would still be grateful if anyone wanted to comment on my assumptions.

For three seasons, I used a simple RF remote control on the electric SUP to control the speed of the T200 thruster. I want to upgrade the system to two T200 thrusters and add some features.

I anticipate that the “loiter” functionality would allow me an electronic anchor and keep me in position at sea. It would no longer be limited to about 25m depth with a physical anchor.

I saw the course / heading lock function in the flight version. Is this also possible in the rover version? Namely, I would like the SUP to drive me straight during trolling fishing if I switched to this mode.

I also assume that regarding Mission Planner, a Bluetooth connection is possible between the smartphone and Ardupilot. It would be very helpful if I could sail above the planned isobath.

// kill switch not yet programmed / option a) stop all thrusters / option b) set loiter mode
// LOW, HIGH setups and PWM values  may change according to actual needs / Arduino Nano is ready to test with Ardupilot
// valy, valx / values for x and y joystisk

#include <Servo.h>
Servo speed; // joystick speed
Servo direction; // joystick direction
Servo mode; //  mode switch for Ardupilot
int x = 0; // analog pin za sped A0
int y = 1; // analog pin za direction A1
const int killswitch = 2; // digital pin connected to switch output D2
const int switch1 = 3; // digital pin connected to switch output D3
const int switch2 = 4; // digital pin connected to switch output D4
int PWM = 1500; // initial setup

#define WINDOW_SIZE 100  // joystick smoothing / set apropriate value together with delay at the end
int INDEX = 0;
int VALUE = 0;
int SUM = 0;
int AVERAGED = 0;

// ---------------------SETUP-------------------------------------------------------

void setup()
 speed.attach(8); // speed Arduino pin D8
 direction.attach(6); // direction Arduino pin D6
 mode.attach(5); // izhod na ardupilot za mode select D5
 pinMode(x, INPUT);
 pinMode(y, INPUT);
 digitalWrite(killswitch, HIGH); // 

 pinMode(switch1, INPUT);
 pinMode(switch2, INPUT);
 digitalWrite(switch1, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(switch2, HIGH);
 Serial.print("Iniciliziram na 1500......");
 delay (10000);

// --------------LOOP------------------------------------------------------------------

void loop()

 // speed code
  int valx; // variable to read the value from hitrost
  valx = analogRead(x);   // reads the value of the potentiometer value between 0 and 1023)

  SUM = SUM - READINGS[INDEX];       // Remove the oldest entry from the sum
  VALUE = analogRead(x);        // Read the next sensor value
  READINGS[INDEX] = VALUE;           // Add the newest reading to the window
  SUM = SUM + VALUE;                 // Add the newest reading to the sum
  INDEX = (INDEX+1) % WINDOW_SIZE;   // Increment the index, and wrap to 0 if it exceeds the window size
  AVERAGED = SUM / WINDOW_SIZE;      // Divide the sum of the window by the window size for the result

  valx = map(valx, 0, 1023, 1100, 1900);  // scale it to use it with the servo value between 0 and 180)
   if (valx > 1450 && valx < 1550) {     // ignore values between 1450 and 1550 -> neutral 1500
  valx = 1500;
  speed.writeMicroseconds(valx);     // sets the servo position according to the scaled value
// direction code
  int valy; // variable to read the value from direction
  valy = analogRead(y);   // reads the value of the potentiometer value between 0 and 1023)

// smoothing subcode
  SUM = SUM - READINGS[INDEX];       // Remove the oldest entry from the sum
  VALUE = analogRead(y);        // Read the next sensor value
  READINGS[INDEX] = VALUE;           // Add the newest reading to the window
  SUM = SUM + VALUE;                 // Add the newest reading to the sum
  INDEX = (INDEX+1) % WINDOW_SIZE;   // Increment the index, and wrap to 0 if it exceeds the window size
  AVERAGED = SUM / WINDOW_SIZE;      // Divide the sum of the window by the window size for the result
  valy = map(valy, 0, 1023, 1100, 1900);  // scale it to use it with the servo value between 0 and 180)
   if (valy > 1450 && valy < 1550) {     // če je vrednost med 1450 in 1550 potem je vrednost 1550, drugače po vhodu
  valy = 1500;
  direction.writeMicroseconds(valy);     // sets the servo position according to the scaled value

// code mode 1
 if (digitalRead(3) == HIGH && digitalRead(4) == HIGH) {
 PWM = 1100;
 Serial.print("Mode PWM:    ");

// code mode 2
 if (digitalRead(3) == HIGH && digitalRead(4) == LOW) {
 PWM = 1500;
 PWM = constrain(PWM, 1100, 1900);
 Serial.print("Mode PWM:    ");

// code mode 3
 if (digitalRead(3) == LOW && digitalRead(4) == HIGH) {
 PWM = 1900;
 Serial.print("Mode PWM:    ");

// serial prints debugging 
  Serial.print("vrednost speed:  ");
  Serial.print("vrednost direction:     ");

  Serial.print("Kill switch:  ");
  Serial.print("switch 1:  ");

  Serial.print("switch 2:  ");

  delay(100);       // waits for the servo to get there

Loiter should work as you describe.
Acro mode will hold a heading.
Bluetooth telemetry works fine but I find WiFi to more reliable. Both short range of course. For longer range there are other telemetry radio options.

Than you, dave. I’ll practically sit on electronics, so distance won’t be an issue. Can you tell, how this Bluetooth unreliability is expressed?

Finally, I have working code on PX4 and working skid steering on one x-y potentiometer joystick. I had to reprogram from PWM to PPM output.

// manjka še kill switch varnost

#include "PPMEncoder.h" //**
int x = 0; // analog pin za hitrost A0
int y = 1; // analog pin za smer A1
const int killswitch = 2; // digital pin connected to switch output D2
const int stikalo1 = 3; // digital pin connected to switch output D3
const int stikalo2 = 4; // digital pin connected to switch output D4
int PWM = 1500; // nastavitev za mode switch
#define OUTPUT_PPM 8

// ---------------------SETUP-------------------------------------------------------

void setup()
 ppmEncoder.begin(OUTPUT_PPM, 5);
 pinMode(x, INPUT);
 pinMode(y, INPUT);
 digitalWrite(killswitch, HIGH); // nastavitev inicialne vrednosti kill switcha

 pinMode(stikalo1, INPUT);
 pinMode(stikalo2, INPUT);
 digitalWrite(stikalo1, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(stikalo2, HIGH);
 Serial.print("Iniciliziram na 1500......");
 delay (10000);

// --------------LOOP------------------------------------------------------------------

void loop()

 // koda za hitrost // throttle code
  int valx; // variable to read the value from hitrost
  valx = analogRead(x);   // reads the value of the potentiometer value between 0 and 1023)
  valx = map(valx, 0, 1023, 1100, 1900);  // scale it to use it with the servo value between 0 and 180)
   if (valx > 1450 && valx < 1550) {     // če je vrednost med 1450 in 1550 potem je vrednost 1550, drugače po vhodu
  valx = 1500;

  ppmEncoder.setChannel(2, valx);

// koda za smer // steering code
  int valy; // variable to read the value from hitrost
  valy = analogRead(y);   // reads the value of the potentiometer value between 0 and 1023)  
  valy = map(valy, 0, 1023, 1100, 1900);  // scale it to use it with the servo value between 0 and 180)
   if (valy > 1450 && valy < 1550) {     // če je vrednost med 1450 in 1550 potem je vrednost 1550, drugače po vhodu
  valy = 1500;
  // smer.writeMicroseconds(valy);     // sets the servo position according to the scaled value
 ppmEncoder.setChannel(0, valy);
 ppmEncoder.setChannel(1, valy);
 ppmEncoder.setChannel(3, valy);
// koda za mode 1 // mode code
 if (digitalRead(3) == HIGH && digitalRead(4) == HIGH) { 
 PWM = 1500;
 Serial.print("Mode PWM:    ");
 ppmEncoder.setChannel(4, PWM);

 // koda za mode 2  // mode code
 if (digitalRead(3) == HIGH && digitalRead(4) == LOW) {
 PWM = 1100;
 PWM = constrain(PWM, 1100, 1900);
 ppmEncoder.setChannel(4, PWM);
 Serial.print("Mode PWM:    ");

// koda za mode 3  // mode code
 if (digitalRead(3) == LOW && digitalRead(4) == HIGH) {
 PWM = 1900;
 ppmEncoder.setChannel(4, PWM);
 Serial.print("Mode PWM:    ");

// izpisi serial  
  Serial.print("vrednost hitrost:  ");
  Serial.print("vrednost smer:     ");

  Serial.print("Kill switch:  ");
  Serial.print("Stikalo 1:  ");

  Serial.print("Stikalo 2:  ");

  delay(5);       // waits for the servo to get there

After flight controller switches to ARMED, the OLED display shows only the caption >>>> ARMED <<<<<.
Is it also possible in ARMED state to display the number of satellites, mode, EKF…?