I have noticed that the “Distance traveled” and “Time in Air” data in the mission planner data tab are not reliable when using LTE for inter-island delivery.
On the island, there is an unreliable LTE connection, which forces us to rely on Auto missions. In certain areas, there may be a loss of communication between the drone and the Ground Control Station (GCS).
During these communication disruptions, the “Distance traveled” and “Time in Air” values are not accurately accumulated, leading to significant discrepancies between the recorded and actual distance and flight time.
If modifications are made, it would greatly benefit beyond-visual-line-of-sight flights, in the place Auto missions are relied upon due to the inability to establish a stable connection.
Well, distance traveled calculation on the ground without constant telemetry will become guessing. Especially with longer gaps in the telemetry. If you need precise tracking of time and distance then you have to do it onboard. A simple LUA script will do the trick.
I once coded my own scheduler loop on firmware, but didn’t even imagined LUA script could run onboard. it sounds great. thank you for teaching that to me.