Sudden loss of RC control in loiter mode

After a stable flight of about 7 minutes the drone suddenly didn’t respond to my rc stick inputs (at about 7’45’'). I changed to stabilize mode to rescue the situation but nothing helped. The drone fortunately crashed in very high and soft grass, flipped over and disarmed. I tried to find the reason for the control loss in the bin-file but to my surprise everything looks well. There wasn’t even a crash detected. So at fligtht time 7’45" there must have something happened. Maybe the receiver failed and blocked, which can’t be seen in the bin-file (link attached)?

Any help is highly appreciated!!ApiUq3GzWBaig4Ri-lNPBLdFSGayHg?e=0h33IV

p.s. The drone has a 24 inch wheel base, 15 inch props, controller navio2 (latest available fw 4.03) on raspberry pi 3b. Receiver: OrangeRX RSFSB S-FHSS. Radio: Futaba T14SG.