Stuck thread and failed data logging error

@rmackay9 Thanks for the update :slightly_smiling_face:

If they can share what SD card they used for logging, I can buy and try with that.

I feel, it should probably be something wrong with the SD card slot module and it’s connection with the board.

Mostly, we will be having a flight today by disabling the logs.

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I use Samsung Evo Plus

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It works fine on our Matek 473-Slim with a Sandisk 32GB evo (red-white)


I confirm, that my board is not working with Samsung Evo plus 64 GB red white memory card.

Now I will try to check with 32gb Samsung Evo plus card. It is actually available at very few places here. Let’s see.

If the board or the connector is damaged you can buy as much different SD cards with no success.
I don’t believe that ardupilot and or the Matek FCs will only run on special SD cards.

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Should work, sounds like the FC is busted

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What happens in that case?

Yesterday, I went for flying and I was throttling for take off that’s when it suddenly just flipped over.

Just trying to resolve thinking that it’s esc numbering or some other related issue.
Now I am thinking if it is failed board issue.

One thing I can do is, try to set and fly in Betaflight.

If you have board failure you will have it with all software.
But it is possible that with some software or function the failure not show up. The problem is that you cannot be sure that it under all conditions will not come up.
If you have an internal shortcut on one part this can destroy over the time other parts of the controller or completely the controller.

I understand and agree.
So, how to identify the issue?
Let me know if there is any way we can find it.

Regarding your previous mention,

The MATEK website faq already have such details. Please check the image

Even you can see that the default exFAT file system is not recommended to be used for formatting.

If you follow the recommandations of MATEK why you want to use a 64G SD card if only 4GB is useable with FAT32. So If the problem is comming from a wrong SD card type use the simplesd working solution.
But the communication between the controller and the SD card is controlled by the firmware. And the ardupilot firmware is not from MATEK. So if Ardupilot is using also other filesystems as FAT32 you can use this also with MATEK HW. Only the routing off the signal path through the board can have some influence and will limit signal speed.
What you can do is to measure the signals between the controller and the SD card port. But therefore minimum an oszilloscope and a logic analyzer is needed.
Many user here are using MATEK SLIM V3 boards but only yours shows this problems with the SD card. If this is a general problem we would read here more about it.
This gives me the oppionion that you have a individual problem with either some setting of the port or with the HW itself. So maybe you can open a claim to your supplier if the board is a very new one.

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ChibiOS supports exFAT so 64Gb is usable.

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