Strange BehaviourNoticed on X7 pro


yesterday when I was trying to do autotune after dynamic Notch filtering which resulted in a crash on MFE Fighter VTOL. I have noticed Some strange behaviour from X7 pro. While it was falling from the sky data was not logged also the memory card showed a corrupted file and only the last log which was renamed as 0001. Although I have other previous logs on the card which have vanished.

kindly help me out with this.

Attaching the last log as I don’t have previous ones Also someone helps me identify the reason for the crash. Is it purely due to z-axis vibrations or maybe motor input was low while it was tuning in the roll axis

here is the RCOUT data and can see c1 motor has low input
Attaching the video for reference.
Logs corruption Screenshot.

You Vcc (5 volts DC to the flight controller) is a bit noisy but doesn’t seem to be a major issue yet.
Apart from that, the problem seems to be that all power is lost, at least to the flight controller, and logging just ends abruptly.

Yes, that is obvious but what was the reason for the Power loss as the battery was intact and connected even after crashing. Seems strange.

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Your flight controller just restarted while in flight that is caused by some device using your flight controller 5 volt power source , the flight controller doesnt like to share it voltage with any other device in the log you can see power brownt out happen

and in log min flight controller voltage drop up to 4.75V and that cause flight controller to restart even if the main battery are still well and connected normaly the power module 5v supply to the flight controller shouldnt be shared with any other devices and should be around 5V not less