Stops unintentionally at any point in a mission!

Hello. I have a little problem with completing the missions of my quadcopter. After activating the mission it starts and goes on it BUT it stops at every point without me setting any time to wait for a point… Can anyone help with anything? What did I not read, what did I not try and I can’t do it… I will be grateful to anyone who helped, thank you for that! The flight controller is an orange cube pixhawk and has the latest firmware version 4.3.5

params drone 1.param (21.8 KB)
I am also attaching the parameter sheet if anyone wants to review it to see if there is anything to improve…

A .bin flight flight log would be more useful. Post a link to it.

apply log

With those waypoints so close together, a WP Radius of 10m and WP speed set at 10 m/s I suppose this is expected behavior. It never reaches the WP speed before it hits the next waypoint. What is the purpose of setting them so close?

since there is no lidar below (there is but it turned out that it does not work together with the barometer and when it goes out of range it gives an error for the terrain) and it flies by following the terrain, that’s why I gave it so many points, but it’s not from that, there are other missions with points further apart, allowing it to reach the set speed and yet when the point is reached the speed is zero…

and the radius after it is set so is it not supposed that he has reached this point in this range of the set value and goes to another??? why does he try to reach the exact location of the point, stop, turn to the other one and only then go to it… I don’t want it like that, I want him to respect that he has arrived within a radius of 10 m and without stopping to go to the next one

Hello Vladimir,

I checked out your parameter list and noticed that you enabled the Object avoidance path planning by setting OA_TYPE to 1.

Most probably this is the root cause for your drone stopping for a while at each waypoint. The path planning algorithm breaks the S-curve logics to navigate between waypoints, which causes a small delay every time it reach a waypoint.

Try setting OA_TYPE to zero, reboot the FC for the changes to take effect and try your missions again.


I’ll try and sneeze but if so it’s bad for me :unamused:

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Hello, it just so happened that because of the activation of the feature in question my quadcopter stops at every single point in my mission… I disabled the feature and there are no problems… I would like to ask the software developers if it is possible to somehow redo the feature in question going forward in you follow update so it doesn’t stop because I’m looking for “time in flight” and this stopping and going drains my battery, but also my function is important because I fly over the fields and on the edges of the fields I have trees and I want to be safe from them :frowning: I would greatly appreciate any solution if there is a way forward to my problem. Thanks everyone for your help!

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If I am not mistaken, there is already an open issue regarding this in the Ardupilot github.

Unfortunately, the path planner is a relatively new feature that is still evolving a lot, so many mods can be on the way on the next releases.

Cool, I’ll be looking forward to the next update!

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