Steering Servo Limits

Hi all, I’ve just put together my 1st rover from an old RC car, very unconventional I’m experimenting with a mega2560 Arduino, fitted with and accelerometer, compass, and GPS. I’ve loaded a version of APM2rover Ver-2.20a, source code dating back to about 2014 I think, and for the most part it works on the bench so far. I’m also using an old version of mission planner, and maybe I can update this if needed.

But because I had to change the steering servo from a 5 wire type to a 3 wire type, I now need to limit the full travel to stop the servo from hitting the bump stops and rattling its head off, can anyone point me in the right direction on how to do this.

Look at the parameters SERVOx_MAX and SERVOx_MIN ( and SERVOx_TRIM). See

Thanks Kenny,… lots and lots of parameters!

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