Steering Rate PID Tuning Rover 4.0 - a heavy kayak

I have problems getting my kayak to sail straight lines. I have followed the procedure and tried to tune the FF_Gain first by driving it in ACRO Mode. But the PID Achieved did not follow at all when PID Desired was changed. Tried FF values from 1 to 10 with no great change. I did not remember to download the log file (I’ll do so next time), but have attached a couple of descriptive images. It is a rather heavy vessel, around 100 kg. How shall I proceed to get it to sail straight lines ?

Your FF gain should be roughly your turning circle. Try doing a circle in manual mode to work out the turning circle.

Re ACRO mode, try dropping the ACRO_TURN_RATE to something sensible like 90 or even less to begin with.You’re probalbty trying to command it to turn WAY faster than it’s actually possible to.

Thank you so much. I will do a circle next time I take it to sea (probably Sunday). So, if my turn diameter is fx 5m, should FF gain then be set to 5 ?

Also, do you know, is the ACRO_TURN_RATE value only used in ACRO mode, or will it be used in AUTO as well ?

Radius, not diameter, but yeah - so FF=2.5 in your case.

ACRO turn rate is only used in ACRO

had the same problem with smaller boat… seems that the FF scale was changed, got rudder movement only at FF of 100 …