"Steering mode" and manually altering the course issue

First of all big thanks to all the good people who have made the Ardupilot project possible. Fantastic hardware and software!

I loaded ArduRover 2.50. I have an issue with manually altering the course in “Steering mode”. It works but slowly and not to the full extent. Maybe only +/- 20 degrees or so.

Are there some parameters somewhere that I should change in order to get manually changing the course in “Steering mode” as responsive as in “Manual mode”?

Keep up the good work and thank you beforehand.

The whole idea of the Steering Mode is to apply the Auto Mode navigational control while you steer the rover Manually.
Therefore the rover is not going to act the same in the Steering Mode as it does in the Manual Mode unless you change the operating parameters that are employed in the Auto Mode.

Hi. Here is a link to the tuning page for your Rover and a link to the full parameter list of options available.

rover.ardupilot.com/wiki/apmrove … r-a-rover/

Thanks, Grant.

Thanks guys for your quick response. I will experiment with the values mentioned on
rover.ardupilot.com/wiki/apmrove … r-a-rover/