Steering Issues with 86HS8N Steppers on ESP32 using esp_flexystepper - Oscillations at Home Position and Target Angle

Hello Rover Enthusiasts!

I’m working on an autonomous pulverizer rover and I’ve hit a roadblock with the steering system. I’d love some help from the community to troubleshoot the issue.

Rover Overview:

My rover uses two 86HS8N steppers, each connected to its own reducer and HALL sensor. The steppers are controlled by an ESP32, which receives signals from a Cube Orange+ via SBUS. The ESP32 runs a custom code using the esp_flexystepper library to interpret the joystick input and control the steppers accordingly.

The Issue:

Whenever the rover reaches its home position (0 degrees) or the target angle set by the joystick, the steppers start oscillating heavily. This oscillation is causing issues with the overall stability and accuracy of the rover.

Troubleshooting Attempts:

  • Adjusting the stepper motor speed and acceleration using the esp_flexystepper library
  • Tweaking the joystick input thresholds
  • Implementing a deadband around the home position and target angle
  • Checking for any mechanical issues with the reducers and HALL sensors

Seeking Help:

Has anyone else encountered similar issues with the 86HS8N steppers or similar projects using esp_flexystepper? I’d appreciate any suggestions or advice on how to troubleshoot and resolve this oscillation problem.

Additional Info:

  • Libraries used:
    • ESP_FlexyStepper
    • Bolder Flight Systems SBUS
    • MultiMap
    • ESP32Servo
  • I can provide the full code if needed. Any help would be greatly appreciated!