STEER2SRV_P variable - Where is it

Hi ,

I’m about to begin tuning my skid steer rover

looking at this page

I can’t seem to find the STEER2SRV_P variable.

Have some of the rover tuning parameters been renamed. Can I get a list of the renamed parameters. I’m guessing here, but have all the tuning parameters been changed to have ATC appended to the front of the variable name?

Are t


Sorry for the slow reply.

Yes, all the steering and throttle control parameters have been moved / replaced in Rover-3.2 and the names changed as part of that to start with ATC_.

I’m going to ask Michael Oborne to re-do the extended tuning screen in mission planner to make it easier to understand and change the parameter.

I will also update the wiki’s tuning guide before we do the official release. We’re actually quite close to the official release I think. Just two more items.

Hi @rmackay9,

Thanks for the reply. Yes Tuning the rover is proving challenging at the moment.
I’ve had a few private msgs from people watching this forum asking about how I’m going with this as they too are having the same problem with tuning a skid steer setup with the latest code.

Is there a chance I can get the following fix integrated into the next release

We already have a sugguested solution (diff) in the link above. happy to share the diff file if that helps.
It will really good if ardurover is able to receive these msgs as that will allow for better integration with ROS.

Currently I am apply the diff to any new code that is on the master branch.

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I’ve created a mock-up of the Basic Tuning page and hopefully Michael Oborne can make the real page look something like this.

Came here to ask the same question. The instructions still mention it, but the parameter is not present on my rover.

@Irongarment, which instructions are you seeing the parameter in?

I’ve updated the Rover wiki quite a bit to include advice on tuning the steering rate controller, here’s the link.

Thanks for your reply. I was looking at the same place in the original post:

I got there because I was ready to tune my Rover for its first drive.

Somehow later I discovered the tuning page that you just linked to, so I followed that. My Rover is working! Maybe the page at the first link could be updated?


Ah, I see. The menu on the left says it’s only for 3.1 and earlier but on the page it doesn’t say that. I’ll fix that up.

Great that it’s working. The key thing about tuning a new rover with 3.2 is to get the ATC_STR_RAT_FF correct. That is by far the most important parameter.