Steam Deck as Mission Planner PC?

USB-C - i watched a video of someone using it as a desktop with keyboard mouse and screen. Seems quite capable, and has a joystick…

thanks - agreed. It looks like i can install SteamOS onto a virtual machine and have a play. MP on a 7" screen even if it all did work is a little challenging. I will update on findings.

QGroundControl might be a better option on a small linux tablet.


turns out we cant purchase them in New Zealand - not directly. Other importers are bringing them in but at stuupid prices ($1200NZD for 64GB so almost double usd price) so loosing interest fast in this platform, which is a shame - because it should be the standard base station for RC/Rover/UAV/UAS stuff. On specs at least.

Just saw this and thought ide let you know beyond a bit of delay it works perfectly for flying the drone still working out how to control the gimbal. But you can use a video Rx and display camera instead of your horizons. Excuse the hands had been working in my car :rofl:


love it.
this is the way.
hows the battery life ? - any issues? looks like its pretty good.
good luck with the gimbal/joysticks

Hi, this looks perfect. Im about to pull the trigger on the OLED version - which should give good outdoors screen viewing (1000+ nits!)

Did you need to do anything magical to make it work ?

Im assuming you got the joystick working on the steam deck - im hoping to ditch my RC / Taranis and use just this. Thats the plan at least.

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Ok - im about to pull the pin on the purchase ($1299 NZD) of an OLED (1000 nits !) steamdeck.

looking to

  • run mission planner to control ArduRover mower.
  • allow simple route planning eg fixups out on the field
  • use it as MANUAL MODE controller for ardurover mower
  • Removing the need for separate RC controller
  • providing RTK correction data via wifi/ and Mission Planner
  • Keep it clean and simple, no cables, dongles, gizmo’s hanging from it. Just the SteamDeck


  • Mapping the Steamdeck OS Joysticks into mission planner - Anybody managed this ?
    (its a slow lumbering mower - latency for once wont be an issue)
         SteamOS       <--WIFI-->  ESPLink--- RFD900 .... RFD900---ArduRover
Mission Planner
              RTK <--Rtk2go

ChrisDalke posted this which talks to the power of this platform for robotics and control.


That’s essentially how im driving my rover, but with a GPD Winmax to wifi backpack then over mLRS.


Thanks Geofrancis - im liking QGC, its got a lot going for it, especially pinch zoom smooth interactivity and DJI like FV camera view toggle and overlays.

Im moving back to Mission Planner (which is excelllent)
MP - can get corrections from NTRIP caster, QGC cant, so needs mavproxy running in background
MP - can display MAV_xxx named_floats. QGC feature request pending but cant display LUA outputs
MP - on android and maybe linux/ubuntu cant use the joysticks. MP on Windows can

I really like SteamDeck and QGC - but its not quite there for our requirements. Will try Mission Planner on Ubuntu on SteamDeck using the awesome distrobox capability.