Starting HoTT telemetry(or documentation problem?)

I added /etc/extras.txt to microSD as described here[]=hott#auto_starting_the_hott_telemetry

  • this should start telemetry on /dev/ttyS1 (USART2) - according to documentation.

now, according to
I guessed that ttyS1 could be TELEM2 ? - so I connected TX to Graupner “receiver”

  • it does not work…

Can anyone please complete documentation so it refers to device-name too, and confirm that Pixhawk reads /etc/extras.txt ?

Any suggestion as to where I failed are welcome.

Confusion all over !
I just found out HoTT is in PX4 stack , not APM Flight stack that Pixhawk is using.

I thought that Pixhawk was the bleeding edge, feature rich product for the future ?
Is it just “early” in Pixhawk software to expect it, or is “PX4” regarded the more advanced of these two ?

That’s not really hardware support, is it? For development-related questions, you should join the developer mailing list. That is outside the scope of this forums.

I thought that Pixhawk was the bleeding edge, feature rich product for the future ?
Is it just “early” in Pixhawk software to expect it, or is “PX4” regarded the more advanced of these two ?

Pixhawk is a second generation of the PX4 autopilot and it is the way of the future for us.

PX4 is also the name of hardware and software

I just found out HoTT is in PX4 stack , not APM Flight stack that Pixhawk is using.
As for features, like I said in your other post, both the APM group and the PX4 group are contributing to the PX4 and Nuttx middleware on the Pixhawk and PX4 boards and both groups are both working on the hardware together.
There are most often differences between the main PX4 middleware and the ardupilot version of the middleware. Some of the PX4 middleware is experimental and does not work with APM and sometimes we make changes to the middleware to make it work better with APM before it is brought back into the main PX4 code. If you stick with the ardupilot / diydrones versions of the middleware then APM will work correctly with it.