Standard & Advanced Parameters not displayed in 1.3.35

I have one computer with Mission Planner 1.3.19 loaded - when I connect to the PIXHAWK/APM via mavlink all the Standard and & Advanced Parameters are displayed in the Configure/Tune TAB ; HOWEVER, when I load Mission Planner 1.3.35 (the latest) none of the Standard or Advanced Parameters show up in the Configure/Tune TAB.

Everything else is the same (arducopter/quad setup/pixhawk controller, etc…)

I can get to the 'FULL Parameter List & Tree okay though.

What am I missing?

I second that. Getting the same results.

fixed it by performing the “check beta updates” under Help. Parameters are now fully listed.

I will give that a try later today and post the results.

rechecking for updates will fix it, or
control-f, then click the “param gen” icon.

Thank you much.