"Stalling" on waypoint mission in windy conditions

I have recently had a problem during missions when windy with both y6’s with apm’s and x8’s with pixhawk (Arducopter 3.2). When the craft gets too far away from the desired altitude it will stop moving forward until it can get back to altitude. In high winds, this is causing the craft to sit in one spot for a long time burning battery without accomplishing anything. Does anyone know how to override this feature? I have done a lot of searching with no luck yet. Thanks in advance for any assistance.

It might not have enough power to maintain height and make headway. The logs should show this, how to the RCouts looks? Are they close to maxed?

I am guessing you also don’t want it stoving into the ground :slight_smile:

I know this problem as I had the same, 4 months ago with firmware version 3.1.2.
I have a YouTube video showing the issue, go at 2:10 into the video: http://youtu.be/TbbWRMvjQos

I never got an explanation for this waypoint stalling behavior. (I am sure t has nothing to do with the craft not having enough power)
I would also like to understand why this happens.