STABILIZED Mode - does it uses GPS, baro and airspeedsensor?

We want to use the STABILIZED mode as “backup” mode, if there is any problem with the flight controller like airspeed sensor, baro or the GPS.

How does the STABILIZED mode technically work? Does it integrate the values from airspeed sensor, baro and GPS?
I didnt found a lot of infos here:

Thanks for hints or links or direct informations :wink: :smiley:

Best, Severin

As far as I know, stabilised uses only the accelerometer’s to level out the wings.
It doesn’t maintain height or speed so doubt it uses the barometer or airspeed sensor.

I should know this pretty much for sure, because we have to document it, to get a government flight permission (GALLO). And yes, I hope it only uses accelerometer level, then a lot of technical complexity is lead out.
Is there somewhere a documentation, or documented code, where I see the logic behind STABILIZED?