ST VL53L0X and 3.5.4 copter software

Hi All
I want do add ST VL53L0X to my quadcopter as proximetry sensor. In copter DOC I foud that RNGFND_TYPE: Rangefinder type value 16 is for VL530LX but when I connect pixhawk to MP I can only choose from 1 to 15 There is no option for VL530LX…
Is 3.5.4 software able to manage VL530LX.???

You can enter any value in “full parameter list”


OK .
Can I connect VL53L0X direct to I2C pixhawk’s interface or I should provide extra power to VL53L0X ?
I look into pixhawk manual and i see that I2C provide 5V VL53L0X needs 5V. Is that enough ?