Before diving in to tuning filters, I thought it was worthwhile to go back to the beginning to see if all the basics were covered.
I had started with Mission Planner parameters for my copter - Hexsoon EDU-450.
Then I’d done an auto-tune, and calibrated my compasses with Magfit.
Looking for assistance, I learned about the new “ALT-S” tuning plug-in, and got lots of helpful suggestions from Shawn and others.
In order to make sense of it all, I put the relevant parameters on a spreadsheet and noting their values as I start getting into this, and the values offered from various sources such as the ArduPilot Tuning Guide, the initial parameters on Mission Planner for my copy, and an extensive list of parameters suggested by Shawn.
I’ve put the spreadsheet up on Dropbox. For me, it helps to visualize what’s going on in this process. In case it’s helpful to others, you’re welcome to download it. I’ll continue to update it as I go through the process of setting up my filters.
I will be watching this closely as you go, given my own EDU-450 tuning struggles. So far I’ve found Shawn’s parameters to give the nicest overall flying tune. If it wasn’t for the altitude performance issues I’d just run those. The suggested tune in MP was okay, but I found it rather sluggish. I think the MP parameters are for 3S and I’m using 4s.
For default numbers the ALT-A parameters were very flyable. It wasn’t that many years ago we would have been happy with that performance.
I’m curious to hear what you think of the roll performance after your autotune flight.
The initial parameters in MP for the EDU-450 are absolutely for 3S batteries. I was embarrassed when I discovered that in this process. According to the manual tuning instructions - the two voltage settings (min and max) are important to the flight controller in it’s calculations.
My process had been to start with the MP parameters, conduct an auto-tune, and then calibrate the compass with Magfit.
That all made the copter pretty flyable except for wobbles that would happen in various places.
In this process I worked though the doc’s tuning procedures from the beginning. I also have a complete print out of all my parameters - which makes it easy to check what my present setting are.
If you look at my spreadsheet, the columns show what I’ve learned. I start with my current settings - and then have columns of what was in the MP set, what the tuning instructions directed, Shawn’s suggestions, and the ALT-A Plugin recommendations.
I was interested in trying to figure out where some of my settings had come from - since I didn’t keep good track from the beginning. So I note what parameters might be set by auto-tune, etc.
Today I went out test flying with the latest up dates. The only parameters of Shawn’s I took were some of his Loiter parameters. (two of his suggestions are out of limits). But starting with the settings from the manual tuning procedures in the docs, followed with the ALT-A Plugin changes, the copter indeed flies much better.
I attempted another auto-tune late in the afternoon - but I ended up with a battery failsafe before finishing. I guess I need to disconnect my GoPro, FPV camera and VTX next time I give it a try. I use Tattu 4S 5200mAh batteries - they are usually good for about 20 minutes of flying.
I’ll keep posting my progress - and I’ll keep updating my spreadsheet so you can keep track.