Spline waypoints ain't working :(?


I’ve been trying to use spline waypoints in mossion planner but as soon as my quad reaches a spline waypoint it stops executing them and gets “stuk” at this point.

I’m using apm 2.5.2 with firmware 3.1.4 (uploaded using the mission planner)
Mission planner was updated today so it’s latest version.

I have seen in some places that there are two files related: SplineNav.something
I did not compile or uploaded them because I saw that Spline support appears in the change log of the firmware versions (assuming it means that the support is already inside …??)
If I should manualy compile these files I’d love to know how because I allready ain’t using Ardupilot to upload firmwares and there for have no place to add these files.

Gil Uriel

Spline waypoints are being introduced in Copter 3.2.

Hi Stefan,

Thank for the answer.
Do you know if it is already in the rc2 beta?


Should be. Chris posted a demo flight video recently on DIYD. However, there are a few nasty bugs in 3.2-RC at the moment, so I would wait a bit before trying it out.

… OK…
I will :slight_smile: