SpeedyBee F405 V3 in a Plane

So I am new to planes and have never setup an autopilot on a plane.

Can I configure a Speedybee F405 V3 to run a plane?

Can the Motor outputs be set as servo outputs?

I would think the answer would be yes, but I figure I should ask the pros before I jump down the rabbit hole.


Yes, but you’ll need a BEC, the 2A@5V the Speedybee can provide isn’t enough for a couple of servos, plus potentially other consumers.

It will work but wiring is a bit of a pain since you need to power the servos. the speedybee f405 wing has a voltage regulator and servo pins.

@Oli1 Thanks, I hadnet though of that but i will be sure to consier in when wiring the setup.

Are there any good quick guides to setup ardupilot on a Plane?

@geofrancis Yes wiring is no issue for me. I could make a small breakout board and add power from an ESC with BEC.

I really just wanted to be sure if there were any hardware limitations that would prevent the V3 to be used on a Plane.

Is it possible to set the FC as to be similar as the Spectrum SAFE/AX3 system? Like a beginner mode that limits roll and pitch angles? (seem like this is FBWA/FBWB)


It’s not really designed for that, once the plane is set up it’s as good as the safe system in FBW-A and with FBW-B and minimum altitude set you can’t crash it even if you tried. I have let random people, and children fly my planes in FBW-B since they were just steering the autopilot and is basically an RC car in the sky.

If you have never flown RC planes I would really recommend getting some simulator time, so if it’s really badly tuned on your first flight then you have a chance of landing it manually in once piece.

@geofrancis That’s really cool its so safe (once setup)

I have some limited sim time already but will be sure to do some more.


Note that the V3 has some hardware issues where accessing the SD card can interfere with the OSD. Apparently it’s supposed to be fixed in V4.

@cbf123 Yes I am very aware of the issues with V3 boards, I have 4 of them (bought before V4) and I currently have one in 5" build that still gives me issues.( should really try flashing it from INAV to AP)