SpeedyBee F4 V4

Hi, i just want to know is there a bidirection dshot firmware for this board, i cant find it in firmware download section of website?

There should be a whole new sub-forum for Speedybee as they sure suck up resources on this one.

Says it does, try it. Not all firmware’s that support BDshot say so in the file name.
More Speedybee

The default firmware supports bi-directional dshot and I tested it so it should work fine

Thanks guys, i will give it a try.

Here is onother problem that i got now, SpeedyBee come with 4in1 ESC that i flashed with Bluejay firmware so i can use Bidirection Dshot. I use it on tricopter and DS300 protocol with Static notch filter working just fine. When i set SERVO_BLH_BDMASK to channel 1,2 and 4 for 3 motors that is use and reboot board in in Messages tab i see Rcout ds300 1-2 and PMW 3-9. i can read motor rpm for motor 1 and 2 but not for motor 4. I tryed to select channels 1-4 in SERVO_BLH_BDMASK but nothing changed. i guess that i need to swap maybe wires that go from ESC to FC. its on cable that come with Stack. Front right motor is connected to ESC 1, Front left motor ESC 2 and Rear motor is on ESC 4.

Based on the timer groups shown in the Wiki this should work.

Exacly what i read on post you mention in post before. i have no idea why doesnt see mot 4 as Dshot now. when i set SERVO_BLH_BDMASK to 0 its show’s Rcout 1-4 Dshot 300 but no rpm telemetry

Well yea, that would be expected. Post your parameter file.

Bat Bone Param 4.4.4.param (19.2 KB)

I have onother tricopter that use Matek H743 slim v3 with blheli_32 esc not 4in1 and bidirection dshot work just fine, i just selected channel 1,2,4 but on this 4in1 esc for some reasson it wont

Configure for Dshot600 and set this for Bluejay. SERVO_DSHOT_ESC,2

Screenshot 2024-03-27 134244


I can do LOG_Disarmed if you wanna to take a look?

Set this back to 0 SERVO_BLH_OTYPE and re-start.

Matek FC’s sure are nice…

I just try that and same thing… I have no idea what is going on here :rofl:

I’m coming to the conclusion that I don’t either. I configure the same thing on the bench and it works but it’s on a different FC with different timer groups so it’s probably not relevant.

Maybe motor orders is not same in this 4in1 esc, i mean this thing is flying without bidirection dshot, as i see motor group are messed out for some reasson. Not sure is the hardware of firmware problem

That won’t matter for the output protocol configuration. You need to get to the bottom of why the Banner Message doesn’t say DS600 1-4… Guess I’m stating the obvious here.

I know what you talking about, maybe some one who have some experiance with this board and bidirection dshot will see this and help
@andyp1per seems to have this board working on bidirection dshot.

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Don’t do this:


Set both to zero and use MOT_PWM_TYPE