Hi, I’m in the middle of a new build with the speedybee f4 v3. I’ve tried several times to calibrate the compass (BN-880) and the green bar just keeps starting over with no completion. I’ve changed the fitness from default to relaxed but got the same thing. I updated to the latest version of the firmware and swapped out the BN-880 for the Matek M8Q-5883 and the same thing is happening. Some advice on what to try next would be appreciated.
Yeah, there is a thread on this. Basically I2C shares a DMA channel with dshot, so you are unlikely to be able to use both at the same time. I have a work in progress to produce a non-DMA version of I2C for this board - you are welcome to try it. It calibrates my compass ok but sometimes sees bad data on the baro, so I am not convinced its fully cooked yet.
Thanks for the quick response. I’ll switch to a different ESC protocol and try again.
Why am I using the speedybee f4 v3? Why not?
Not ready for PrimeTime perhaps:
Speedybee F405 Start at the end.
And it’s an F4
If you said “because it’s cheap” That’s a good reason…
I changed the protocol to OneShot125. Same issue with default and relaxed fitness.
Yeah, I realized there were some issues after I purchased…and yes, the price was a major reason.
I get that. I have had my share of junk (IMO) cheap Omnibus boards. Today I wouldn’t buy anything less than a supported H7 board.
Did that fix your problem? I chenged to OneShot125 but magnetometer still don’t work. I have a BN-880 where the GPS is working fine but the magnetometer doesn’t. I also struggle to find where to input the correct settings for the magnetometer. For the SpeedyBee F405 WING there is a dedicated drop down to select type of magnetometer but I can’t find this setting for the F4.
EDIT: Feel very stupid, had misplaced SCL and SDA. It works now but not well. The same BN-880 works much better on the F405 WING. Could be interference.
@andyp1per what was your solution to get mediocer results?
I will be testing the same thing in the next few days and want to prepare solutions.
Can you share your non-DMA version?
Do you have v3 or v4? You really don’t want v3
@andyp1per Unfortunately I have a fair qty of V3 that were purchased before the V4 was released.
I would love to find a way to use them ( I do have 1 working well with INAV 7 ) with poshold, and I could stick to that if needed but would really like to try with AP.
By non-DMA version do you mean I2C? I am afraid that won’t work on this board due to the design. The current firmware works ok I think - just no bdshot