Sometimes not responding to roll & pitch inputs

Hardware : speedybeeF405mini : SpeedyBee F405 Mini BLS 35A 20x20 Stack - Speedy Bee
motor : speedy bee 1404 4500kv motor.
propeller: 3inch (3016)

uploaded firmware version 4.5.1 copter.

On first flight the copter was very overshooting in roll & pitch axis . So i reduced PID of roll and pitch.
after this copter start to fly normal without overshooting. But now it not responding to RC inputs , especially roll & pitch. Then i disarmed it, after take off again, it work for few min then again not responding to inputs. Added log files below.

thanks advance
3 1-1-1970 5-30-01 AM.bin (859.1 KB)

You are using PWM but your outputs are scaled for dshot. I suggest you try switching to dshot.


How i can do it? Is there any parameter for it?MOT_PWM_TYPE ?

Yes that one - try MOT_PWM_TYPE 6

Thanks @andyp1per , i have one more doubt, i already build a quad copter using speedybeef405 v3. I don’t set MOT_PWM_TYPE in that quad. It work fine, without adjusting this parameter. Why this quad required dshot?
Is there any internal hardware change in speedybeef405 mini bls & speedybeef405 v3.

If you want to use PWM then you need to calibrate the ESCs which I am guessing you haven’t done.

Ohk, i tried to change parameter to dshot600, but motor rotate automatically after the initialize. (Not full rotation just spin and stop… This happen continues)