I want to configure a few more switches on my transmitter, but not all of them are being detected on the radio cal page. I’m using TX16s.
Any advice on how I’d go about unlocking these switches would be appreciated.
I want to configure a few more switches on my transmitter, but not all of them are being detected on the radio cal page. I’m using TX16s.
Any advice on how I’d go about unlocking these switches would be appreciated.
It could depend on what receiver you are using and how it’s connected.
You should be able to get 12 channels but you have to configure that.
If you didn’t do it already:
Thanks Dave, that fixed most of the switches. I still have two switches that aren’t working since 2 that are working appear to be linked to 2 channels. For example, switch 1 controls ch 6 and 9 and switch 2 controls ch 5 and 11
param file here:
params_config.param (19.6 KB)
I wouldn’t suggest using Chanel 6 for Flight Mode. That Chanel has some special functions you may want to use later so best change it back now. Default is 5.
The other issues you mention must be mixing in the Transmitter. I don’t see anything in the parameters that would cause that.
Are you using EdgeTx?
Yes using Edge Tx. You were correct - mixing issue. I was able to resolve it. Now all switches are functional. Thank you!