I am testing this GPS that use this u-blox module (NEO-M9N) with Pixracer and ArduCopter V4.1.0-dev.
It is recognized and I see this msgs:
[MAV 001:1] GPS 1: detected as u-blox at 230400 baud
[MAV 001:1] EKF3 waiting for GPS config data
[MAV 001:1] u-blox 1 HW: 00190000 SW: EXT CORE 4.03 (6c5018)
But the configuration is not saved even with GPS_SAVE_CFG=1 and I have the following repeated msgs:
Interesting. I’ve been using the mRo m9n module without any issues, so it definitely can work. I’ll have to look at my logs and see if anything pops up.
F9 and M9 have the same hwVersion, Ardupilot try to config the M9 as an F9 and fails.
If I comment line from 1182 to 1185 and change 1186 in: _hardware_generation = UBLOX_M8;
the M9 is configured as an M8, the configuration succeeds and it is saved.
Obviously this is not a fix, it serves only to point were the problem should be.