Some assistance needed for a New tune on a small hexa drone


I always thought smaller drones are easier to tune than bigger ones :wink: But this is the first time I have small drone, so I would appreciate any help with tune and notch filter.

The Drone is a small hexa with
6x Tiger F2203.5 KV1500
5,5" Propeller
2x T-Motor F55A ESC
Orange Cube
and a 9000mAh Lion battery

The drone flies okay so far, but motors 1, 3 and 6 gets alot hotter than the other 3. So that is something I have to check maybe with a new autotune. I setup the notch, but I´m not sure it is correct. This is the first flight
First flight
and this the second flight

second flight

It would be great if someone could take a look at the log, maybe I´m missing something.

I am grateful for any support.

Actually the Tune is pretty good. The higher temps on the CW motors are from a mechanical Yaw bias:

Typically from twisted motor mounts or arms.
The Rate D-term looks kind of high for 5" craft, perhaps run Auto Tune again with aggression at default. Or not because the Tune does look good as I mentioned.
I would question why you have the 2nd notch filter configured but can’t tell because Pre-filter data is not logged. Set INS_LOG_BAT_OPT,4

Overall good job on tuning!