[SOLVED] Unable to connect Mission Planner to APM 2.6 trought Telemetry on Windows 10

I recently installed MP on my windows 10. And I can’t communicate the MP with APM2.6 by telemetry. The error says: “The maximum baud rate for the device is 26228”.
I’m using the correct COM port and the baurate 57600.
The version of MP is 1.3.55 and the APM2.6 has the firmware ArduCopter V3.2.1.

Detail: With another computer, I have no problem in using this telemetry radio.

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This could be due to baud rate not set to 57600 in your win 10 port settings (windows device manager, com port, port settings)

I solve the problem using a old versin of the driver: Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge, version