[SOLVED] Mateksys H743-WING Bi-Dir DSHOT partly not working

I am trying to connect my 6 ESCs (newest BlueJay Version, LittleBee ESCs) with my H743 board, iam using the following settings:

  • bdshot firmware
  • bdshot enabled for S1-S4 (as far as i understand only 4 ports are supported?)
  • 6 Motors configured from S1-S6
  • Parameter List
  • ESC Protocol is DSHOT600

The problem is:

  • only S1-S4 spin up with motor test
  • Switching the port helps, so i verified that the problem lies within the S5 and S6 ports
  • all ESCs are working correctly

What i checked:

  • Increasing throttle % and test time does not help
  • I tried some different parameters from the web, but this does not help

What am I missing here? Also I am unsure if the H743 has a IOMCU(?), so should i enable bdshot on S1-S6 instead?

Thanks in advance!

Sooo… I think I just solved it with my own advice via enabling Channel 1-6 in the SERVO_BLH_BDMASK but I will keep this “open”, maybe someone has some more tips or advice for this.