[SOLVED] List of Firmware Limitations by Board

Hi all, maybe I’m just stupid, but is the List of Firmware Limitations by Board currently correct? Even for the big boys like CUAV-X7 almost all features seem to be disabled.


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I’m not sure what you mean with “almost all features”, compared to a SpeedyBee F405 WING for example the CUAV-X7’s list of disabled features is quite short. You are right if you mean “all the listed features are deactivated”, but keep in mind that only the deactivated features are listed.

Also the listed features are the features that are deactivated by default, if you need them you can activate them in the Custom firmware builder.

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See, I’m stupid lol

I got confused by the “Included” column and thought each list would include ALL optional features and then say “Included: yes” or “Included: no”. Thanks for clarifying. Maybe it would make sense to do away with the “Included” column completely.

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agreed, if only deactivated features are listed anyway, this column doesn’t add any value.

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