Solved: Aligning Mission Planner Airport with RealFlight

When performing a SITL simulation between AuduPlane and RealFlight Evolution is there a way for the Mission Planner map to align to the airport I am using in RealFlight? There are several real-world airports in RealFlight, but when I choose them the map in Mission Planner does not update to that location. I would like to create waypoint missions including autolandings in Mission Planner and have them execute in the simulation.

Edit: Set the home location in Mission Planner to match the airport in RealFlight. There is a list of locations in the ardupilot GitHub under Tools/autotest/locations.txt with the lat/long/alt/heading for many of the airports in Realflight. Add it as an extra command line parameter when starting the simulation. Ex “–home=EliField”