SolarStatus Plugin - beta test

I made plugin for MP. It adds solar and earth magnetic field status (magnetic storm or solar storm)
When the solar activity causes a magnetic storm, the functionalities of the drone’s GPS could be disturbed or even become inoperative.

It looks like this: (Screen from PL version)

If anyone want to test this plugin , just:

  1. Download plugin from (ENG lang): or
    (Mirror: )
  2. Copy dll to Plugin folder ( )
  3. Unlock dll if necessary, just right click and check/click unlock ( )
  4. Run MP

To run configuration window just click status.

Don`t work?

  • No internet connection?
  • Page down!
  • Check dll unlock status
  • You need MP 1.3.36 or newer

Your feedback is highly appreciated.

Very nice. Looks better than having only the value of the k index displayed.