SokilLink Cloud: Plug-and-play drone control and video streaming over LTE

Hello everyone. I’m excited to release my software solution called SokilLink Cloud which is intended to stream HD video and control all kinds of Ardupilot-based drones (basically UAVs and UGVs) over LTE connection.

I’ve made it to be as easy as possible, including detailed setup instructions and links for parts to buy.

Basically, the system only requires a LTE modem, Raspberry Pi board and a camera on the board and an Android device on the ground.
In order to bind your drone to Android device, you only need register at the site and enter your LTE modem IMEI.

At this moment it is far from being completed but I’d like to add more features once I receive some feedback.
The system has been successfully tested on RC cars and a copter.

You can learn more about compatible hardware here and then install Raspberry Pi firmware and SokilGCS Android application by following links at this page.

Also, SokilLink Cloud software is completely free for personal use.

Please contact me here or at if you have any questions about the software.

I would check how much its effecting the satellite count when you start the pi camera as they are well known for being a GPS jammer.

Thanks, I will try to check it later.
I could suggest a couple of supported USB cameras if a CSI one blocks GPS on your setup.

What is your latency for the video stream over LTE? I am using a Radxa Zero with an LTE Modem and have negligible latency when streaming the video within our internal WiFi network, but have noticeable ~1sec or more, when streaming over LTE. Do you have any recommendations to reduce the latency?

It’s about 150ms, a bit higher than through WiFi. I use UDP hole punching to establish a direct connection.

Using ZeroTier or software proprietary to your program? We are also using UDP hole punching, but via ZeroTier. Input controls via a joystick are near instantaneous this way, just as good or better than via a 915mhz SIK telemetry radio.

SokilLink Cloud does not use any other application for direct connection, it’s only UDP hole punching.
Feel free to try it :slight_smile:

Can you change mission plan with it?

The Android app does not support mission planning features, although I’m already working on Mission Planner support.